Let's all stay socially dangerous! Solidarity with Gianmarco de Pieri!

On the 18th of June Gianmarco and other activists from TPO and Làbas social centres resisted against the eviction of a squatted house in Bologna. Now the police is investigating at least fifteen activists. Using a law enacted by the fascists, the judge banned Gianmarco from Bologna, where he works and lives with his family. Prosecution and judge claim that this precautionary measure without trial was necessary due to Gianmarco's "social dangerousness". We know that the measure is an attempt to silence political activism and clear dissent with the unbearable status quo of society. And it tells us a lot about the rotten conception of democracy: While preaching compromise and consensus, the ruling power oppress all those who articulate disagreement with their order, their compromise and their consensus.
Gianmarco is a dear comrade and friend of ours. We are angry about the repression he is facing. But beyond that, the measures of a prohibition of residence or a house arrest are a clear message to all activists and social movements in Italy and Europe. Our answer will be to...
… Stay "socially dangerous"!
… Keep resisting!
… Fight authoritarian capitalism!
We demand the immediate suspension of the banishmen and of all investigations and charges.
Interventionist Left